While facing uncertainty for the future, we looked forward to the year 2021 as a year full of hope for a better decade for children as we see many opportunities emerging from these difficult times. With an unwavering attitude for advocating by means of a more central place for protection of children in all humanitarian responses, this newsletter brings you the most recent developments in alternative care space with current news and publications. Our Udayan Care Resource Centre constitutes sections namely “General Alternative Care News” which highlights the current developments in the International and Asia perspective and “Research at a Glance” underlining the new resources including publications, tool kit, policy briefs in this alternative care space. We are also interested in your feedback on our publications and webinars. Please get in touch if you’d like to share any reflections on our work this year or discuss your evidence needs for 2021 and planned events for 2022.
This monthly wrap up is intended to serve as a compendium of the latest developments in the area of alternative care. We hope you will find it useful and be able to use it in your day to day work on research, writing and practice on child and youth care. Reach out to us at icbjournal@udayancare.org for any suggestions or feedback on the newsletter. We look forward to your inputs.