Research Studies are an integral part of the Advocacy, Research and Training (A.R.T.) agenda at Udayan Care. We conduct independent action research, aimed at evidence building to improve our own working as well as to influence policy reforms, in Alternative Care space in India. Udayan Care has also presented several papers and articles on issues related to alternative care, basis these research studies at different national and international fora, as well as published in academic journals.
Research study on “Current Aftercare Practices (2017-2019): Udayan Care initiated a study on “Current Aftercare Practices” (CAP) in 2017, which has been a result of Udayan Care’s long-term advocacy agenda to see all Care Leavers served their rights, by examining the current Aftercare programming and provisions, from the eyes of the Care Leavers and Key Informants in the backdrop of current realities. Supported by UNICEF, TATA Trusts, Shri Deep Kalra and State governments, concluded in April 2019, in the states of Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, it suggests a set of recommendations for various stakeholders. The pilot was conducted in 2017 in Delhi. The tools were refined afterwards, based on baseline deductions, and the study was expanded to include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Gujarat and Delhi.To access the synthesised multi-state as well as individual state reports and summarised research insights from different states, visit the section under the year 2018-19 & 2019-20.