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Mr Girdhar Sanganeria

I came to know about Udayan Shalini Fellowship through Mrs Sudha Bazaz and Mrs. Mamta Bagla few years back and on their insistence I also attended one of their programme. I was really impressed to see that Udayan Shalini was not only engaged in providing financial help but also taking lot of efforts for the all-around development of under privileged girls. Lot of activities are conducted for providing training, encouragement and to boost self confidence of girls Sangkaj Group really feel proud to be associated with this organization And are also committed to provide them a office space at CMIA building.

Girdhar Sanganeria
Director, Sangkaj Group

It goes without saying that you all are doing a wonderful job by helping the underprivileged girls in education through USF. We feel proud to be a part of this noble cause though in a very minute way. We wish you all the best in your endeavour and may you continue to do the good work with Nis Swarth Seva Bhaav.

Sushil Jain
Chairman & Managing Director, Indian Toners & Developers Ltd.
Mr Anupras Bazaz

Dear USF team, it is our privilege to be a part of USF because it is a credible organization and doing fantastic work. We know that whatever donated is being used for a good cause. It is a transparent organization and we are daily updated of the good work. The best part of USF is mentoring system where I see the entire USF team goes out of their way to help those who are under privileged find their footing in their lives, thereby making lives of themselves and their family better. It gives me deep satisfaction to see our contribution being used for such a 'just cause' of education to girl from disadvantaged backgrounds thereby giving chance for everyone to grow together.

Anupras Bazaz
Executive Director Aurangabad Auto Ancillary (P) Ltd
Shri Madhusudan Agrawal

The giving of food (अन्नदानं) is a great type of charity (महद्दानं) . But the giving of knowledge (विद्यादानं) is even greater than that (ततःपरम्). The satisfaction (तृप्तिः) obtained from food (अन्नेन) is only momentary (क्षणिका), while that gained from knowledge (विद्यया) lasts lifelong (यावज्जीवं) Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. “When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world. ” Udayan Shalini Girls’ are doing great work in it.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” – Mahatma Gandhi

Shri Madhusudan Agrawal
Hon. Consul of Uganda in Mumbai. and Vice Chairman of Ajanta Pharma and Trustee of Samta Foundation
  • End of testimonials