About the centre |
Courses and placements |
We established the Udayan Care Computer Learning Centre in Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P). Most of the population in this area is that of daily wage earners, belonging to the eastern UP. The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) supported us in establishing this centre. The centre has been providing quality education in Information Technology to the youth (of age group 15-24) coming from the local underserved community.
We target to empower 150 underprivileged youth annually, through job oriented courses & digital literacy courses, following our 70:30 model (70% job-specific courses and 30% digital literacy courses). We also ensure the gender balance by ensuring 50% registration of women in our courses. We also aspire to achieve 70% placement target for students taking up job-specific courses , with an average entry-level salary. We also facilitate engagements with course alumni for after training support, upskilling and interactions with candidates undergoing training. We also look to invite youth and educators from Udayan Care, for creating collaborative projects, conducting expert sessions and project review sessions. Vijay Nagar centre offers courses like Tally ERP 9, DIT (Diploma in Information Technology), Community Technology Skills Programme (CTSP), English Communication, Soft skills and Financial Literacy. Personality development and life skills training are also part of the curriculum to make students job-ready
Impact of the project
Since the inception of the project, we have inducted 411 underserved community youth in job-specific & digital literacy courses, out of these, 70% students who completed their trainings in job-specific courses started working in relevant fields with good entry-level salary.
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Our Contributors
Tata Power Trading Company Limited |
Certificate distribution
Donor interaction
Class theory discussion |