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In March 2014, Udayan Care launched a bi-annual academic journal 'Institutionalised Children: Explorations and Beyond' (ICEB) to deliberate on the state of care of children in institutional and alternative care. The journal’s regional focus is on the eight South Asian countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The purpose of the journal is to expand and enhance knowledge about children, who have been in Out of Home Care (OHC) and those who need alternative care systems. The mission is to make available a platform for consistent sharing of information, knowledge enhancement and the development of a dialogue and debate amongst professionals, practitioners, mental health experts, policy makers, academics, researchers, and volunteers, working for children in institutional and other alternate care settings, about best practices, research findings and studies, legislation, jurisprudence and case law, in relation to OHC children's mental health, social development, care and upbringing.

So far 12 issues of the journal have been released and we are now ready to release the thirteenth issue, Vol. 7, No. 1, in March, 2020. We are currently accepting abstracts for the March and September 2021 issues, exploring a broad range of themes in the alternative care space. Make sure to book your subscription to ICEB in order to engage with knowledge sharing with regards to alternative care of OHC children in the South Asia region!

If you wish to send us your original manuscripts on related topics to be published in the forthcoming issues of ICEB, write to us at

Download 2021 call for paper