About the Programme
Udayan Care has been the catalyst in enabling care leavers to have their own voices and their own safe platforms. We supported the collectivising of Care Leavers through facilitating and enabling their youth support group, titled “Care Leavers Association and Network (CLAN)” in Delhi in 2017. Care leavers from any childcare institution can join this peer led independent resource group to provide support through shared experiences. Over the recent years, we have enabled similar networks in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Telengana. The ripple effect of this momentum has seen Care Leaver Networks come up in a big way in Odisha, Maharashtra, Assam and many other parts of the country.
As a knowledge product, we co-developed with CLAN Delhi members, a SoP on forming a similar Care Leavers network and the steps needed to strengthen such bodies so that they organically evolve as an independent group of care experienced young persons.