“Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.”

Udayan Care organized an Indo-German Meet in partnership with University of Hildesheim where Care Leavers (youth exiting Child Care Institutions upon turning 18) from Germany and India gathered to discuss and highlight the prime issues of “Aftercare Peer Support” and to encourage the active participation of Care Leavers in local communities and education systems.
Udayan Care partners with SAGE for ICEB (Institutionalised Children: Explorations and Beyond)
New resolutions require new beginnings. Realizing this we partnered with SAGE Publications to publish Udayan Care’s international academic journal ‘Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond’ (ICEB) to promote discourse on Alternative Care in the South Asian region. This will ensure a wider audience for the implementation of standards of care for children and youth without parental support.
Udayan Care IT 2nd Grand Alumni Meet
UCIT programme of Udayan Care brought together 350 alumni and 30 guests at the 2nd Grand Alumni Meet at Hindi Bhawan, Delhi on 15th December 2019. The event was strengthened with the presence of alumni and mentors who shared their knowledge and experience with the students of 14 ITVT centers to fuel their inspiration. The event saw an energetic play showcasing CIRCA (Compassion, Inspire, Respect, Competence, and Accountability) values of Udayan Care. The event was full of inspirational chronicles. Manju Dhasmana and Shirish from Microsoft; Prem Arora, Kishwarna Charitable Trust, and the Udayan Care leadership team graced the event. It was heartwarming to see the presence of alumni across our programmes come out in support of the IT Centres.
Loni IT Center Inauguration
Udayan Care inaugurated an IT center at Loni, Ghaziabad, UP on 27th November 2019 with the support of Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The event was graced by Mr. Vinay Mishra (Exec. Director, IOCL), Mr. Jitendra Kumar (CGM operations, IOCL), Mr. Chandan Bishai (Chief Plant Manager, IOCL), Mr. Deepak Sharma (Sr. Manager, IOCL), and Mr. Stephen Ekka (DGM-HR, IOCL). Mr. Arun Talwar (COO, Udayan Care), Mr. Deepak Sharma (Trustee, Udayan Care) and Manoj Srivastava (Sr. Manager, UCIT Programme) hosted the event.
The center aims to educate youth in courses like Diploma in Information Technology (DIT), Tally PRO, and DCA, etc. which will enhance students’ employment opportunities