Our Care Champion; mentor; board member and life-time volunteer Mr Deepak Sharma signed up for the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon again this year. Not only this, on the 29th of July (his late father’s birthday) his mother pledged his father’s pension to Udayan Care, towards the support of education for underprivileged girls. This generous gesture has left the over what “To honour my mother's generosity and my father's values, I will be running the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon this October to raise a matching amount of Rs.25 lakhs for Udayan Care.” says Mr Deepak an emotional All we can ask for is that you support Deepak in his tireless effort to provide the gift of education to those who deserve it most.

Corporate Engagements
Feed India team conducted fun activities in the lawns outside the Gurgaon Udayan Ghar, as well as played board games with the children. The children also engaged in cooking simple recipes made from bread. The team did a small tree plantation drive too. The day was made even more exciting with Feed India sponsoring a delicious lunch and providing children with goodies. The children really enjoyed the day.
Genpact employees visited (Noida Boys & Girls Udayan Ghars Nos. 6 & 7) they engaged with children in educational activities in a fun way, and played cricket with the boys at the Ghar. The team also extended their generosity by donating ration for a month consisting of tasty food items for the children. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and acknowledged team Genpact with a Thank You card.
Showtime Events India Pvt. Limited team visited Gurgaon Boys & Girls Udayan Ghars. The Udayan Ghar children and staff were later invited to participate in the Independence Day Celebrations to their Head Office.
A team from Lemon Tree Hotels visited our Gurgaon Boys Udayan Ghar, No. 5. Children were then engaged in some exciting activities and games followed by a delicious feast and gift distribution.

“I developed a board highlighting the girls, whom we are sponsoring. I am so happy with how it turned out, from the elephant border to their adorable faces. My vision was to make a sort of collage of the girls’ life and activities. This will allow everyone a few moments of reflection on what's really important in life.” Linnea Solomon- SynergEyes Cares, USA