“It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we live.” – Dalai Lama
Last year, the majority of unnatural deaths in the country were due to road accidents. Shalinis from Jaipur Chapter collected at Malviya Nagar Govt. Girls School and rallied around the Malviya Nagar market; one of the busiest markets in Jaipur.
By shouting slogans and flashing basic traffic rules on placards, Our Shalinis were able to educate people to follow the rules for their safety and others.
"All our dreams can come true if we dare to pursue them." - Walt Disney

Children from Sant Nagar Udayan Ghars, Home 1 & 13 were invited by the LSR College, Delhi University to be a part of their Annual Day Celebration, LSR Nexus Event, on March 30th, 2019. Our children participated in different activities, like attending a seminar on women empowerment and indulging in photo sessions and pottery workshops; they also enjoying delicious eats, played games and received gifts too. It was not only educational but very inspiring for our girls to get a first-hand experience of college life and interact with undergraduate students from across various academic disciplines.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Udayan Care is lucky to have a diverse pool of hard-working, committed, and selfless volunteers and interns. Their work, energy, and enthusiasm have proved to be a motivating factor for the Udayan Care family.
We want to thank Mr. Adnan Ahmad from Jamia Milia Islamia for volunteering with us assisting different departments at the Head Office. He also worked tirelessly for our USF event which took place between March 8-10th.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to Ms. Anna Gilleard and Mr. Barney Stark from the U.K. They both helped us build creative learning modules for our children and also prepared and conducted ‘Resilience Building’ workshops for our children in our Mehrauli Udayan Ghar. Their hard work and happy-go-lucky attitude were appreciated both by our children and the office staff.
"Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife, are plans to protect man." - Stewart Udall
Tata Power conducted a stimulating workshop with our children in Greater Noida Udayan Ghar on March 25th, 2019 Around 15 volunteers from Tata Power taught our children about energy conservation, benefits of tree plantation and how we could lead an eco-friendly life.
The workshop was followed by many fun activities like impromptu plays and quizzes. This event proved to be both informative and entertaining for our children.
“Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.” – Mahatma Gandhi
March 8th is observed as International Women’s Day and celebrated across the world recognizing and highlighting the achievements and struggles of women around the globe.
Our children and staff greeted all their female counterparts, the mentor mothers, caregivers, and teachers and exchanged handmade cards and remembering some of the great women leaders of the world. .
Apco Worldwide, celebrated Women's Day with children at Sant Nagar Udayan Ghars, Home 1 and 13, distributing finger-licking snacks and engaging them in interactive sessions and other group activities.