Every Accomplishment starts with the decision to try!
A scared and helpless child, wandered around on the streets of the city, eyes welled up with tears, desperately searching for familiar faces in the crowd. Fortunately someone found him before he could get lost in the sea of people, only never to be found again and luckily that someone was a representative from Childline India Foundation.
They took that young boy to the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), which placed him temporarily in the government’s home at Lajpat Nagar while every effort was being made to trace the child’s family. When the search yield no results the child was transferred to Udayan Care by the order of CWC for long-term protection and care.
Udayan Care did everything to mitigate the negative impact of this tragedy on the child. Though it was not easy to reinstate confidence and sense of social security in him, the trained caregivers at Udayan Care home consistently worked with him. With the immense support, Vikas, despite having an intellectual capacity of less than 65%, started to show gradual improvements. Soon he was enrolled in Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan, a school for exceptionally smart and special children, where he performed exceptionally well. Vikas developed interest in cooking and started to dream about becoming a chef. To fulfill his aspirations, Udayan Care team, hunted down the opportunity for him at a guest house where he is currently getting trained as a cook and has bright chances of getting hired as a full-time employee right after the completion of his training.